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Biological Dentist in Dothan AL

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Fan Choice Award Review - Dr. Nathan Pfister, Biodentist Alabama

Dothan, AL dentists offer holistic, mercury safe dental treatments

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In Dothan, AL, Dr. Nathan Pfister, Dr. Brian Pfister, and the team at Biodentist Alabama offer biological dental care
Historically speaking, the mouth and body were treated separately. The teeth, gums, and entire oral cavity were treated without considering the impact on the rest of the body. Our team is committed to care for the whole patient. Dr. Nathan Pfister, Dr. Brian Pfister, and the team at Biodentist Alabama in Dothan, AL, offer holistic dental treatments, including mercury safe amalgam removal to preserve our patients’ wellness.

Mercury safe dental treatments

The dangers of mercury have raised concerns across the medical and dental communities for years. Mercury is a naturally-occurring substance that is toxic and non-radioactive. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that any level of mercury is dangerous, even small amounts are toxic. Mercury toxicity can lead to medical problems such as kidney disease, neurological problems, and pregnancy or birth issues.

Unfortunately, many patients have mercury in their bodies in the form of dental amalgam fillings. Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals, generally mercury, tin, silver, and copper. Mercury is the binding agent to create a durable material. It may make up 50 percent of the filling mixture. Dental amalgam fillings are often used because they are considered less expensive, easy to insert, and durable. This comes at a cost to the individual’s health and wellbeing.
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As a holistic practice, we understand the connection between the mouth and the body. Anything that enters the body, whether it is good or bad, has an impact on the rest of the body. Mercury is a toxic substance and thus, has a negative effect on the body. With amalgam fillings, the mercury vapors are continually released. When you brush or chew, the vapors are released. Amalgam fillings can warp with extreme temperatures. This leads to tooth damage. Over time, the body becomes less capable of removing mercury. Mercury builds up and may lead to potential health problems.

Benefits of mercury-safe dental care

Image of a Dentist checking patient's mouth
The terms mercury-safe and mercury-free are often used in dentistry. However, they are not interchangeable terms. Mercury-free practices avoid the use of any materials that contain mercury. Composite fillings are used instead of amalgam. Mercury-safe practices follow strict protocol and procedures for removing amalgam fillings. These added precautions for handling hazardous materials protects the health of the patient, dental staff, and the environment. At Biodentist Alabama, we maintain a mercury-free, mercury-safe practice.

We understand the risks and dangers of mercury and dental amalgam. We acknowledge that toxic materials have a dangerous impact on the human body and on the environment. We do not place amalgam fillings. Instead, decayed teeth are restored with composite or tooth-colored fillings. When requested, patients can have their amalgam fillings removed. This process should not be rushed and should be done by a formally trained dentist. Standard procedures involve using a drill which allows mercury vapors to escape. Our dental team adheres to the protocol from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) for safe amalgam removal.

Specific regulations are enacted before, during, and after amalgam filling removal to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Some of the safety measures include:
  • Using an amalgam separator to collect mercury waste
  • Having an advanced ventilation system in place to remove airborne mercury vapors
  • Providing protective gear such as gowns, gloves, and masks for the dental team to keep them safe from mercury particles
  • Using high volume suction to remove particles and vapor
  • Protecting the patient with a gown, dental dam, and oxygen to avoid getting mercury on the clothing and to avoid inhaling the vapors
After amalgam fillings are removed, the teeth can be restored with composite fillings. These fillings are a metal-free, durable alternative to dental amalgam. Advantages of composite fillings include the following:
Image of a Brighter teeth
  • The material is non-toxic, so patients avoid the risk of mercury toxicity.
  • Composite materials are durable and long-lasting. They strengthen decayed teeth and withstand the normal functions of a natural tooth.
  • Aesthetically speaking, tooth-colored fillings blend and appear natural. Amalgam fillings make the teeth appear grayish in color.
Dr. Nathan Pfister and Dr. Brian Pfister are both members of the IAOMT. Dr. Nathan Pfister has also achieved accreditation. This is an achievement few meet and shows his dedication to holistic dentistry. Our dental team strives to protect our patients’ overall health and wellness by using toxin-free materials and procedures.

For more information on our holistic dental treatments, contact the team at Biodentist Alabama in Dothan, AL to schedule an appointment. Call (855) 939-5566.

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Biological Dentist in Dothan AL

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Fan Choice Award Review - Dr. Nathan Pfister, Biodentist Alabama

Dr. Nathan Pfister

Zirconia Implants Dothan - Dr. Nathan Pfister Dr. Pfister's passion for non-invasive biologic dentistry began while practicing dentistry in Hawaii and he learned of the power of ozone in dentistry. From Hawaii, Dr. Pfister moved to his hometown of Upland as the protégé of the world-renowned ozone dentist Dr. Bill Domb...
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Dr. Brian Pfister

Zirconia Implants Dothan - Dr. Brian Pfister Dr. Brian Pfister was born and raised in Upland, CA. He attended Brigham Young University-Idaho, graduating with a degree in exercise physiology with a minor in chemistry. From Idaho, Dr. Brian returned to southern California to continue dental training at Western University College of Dental Medicine.

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